Friday, 31 October 2014

Charity shop find...

Just a quick post today about a strange yet fascinating little object I found in a charity shop. 

It's a little cat working at a sewing machine! 

Look at her cute little face :) 

What intriguing finds have you found  at a charity shop? 


  1. Hi Hannah! My other half always finds fantastic suits in charity shops, for less than £20! I don't manage to find that much in the way of clothing, but recently bought 4 pale blue overlocker threads for a bargain price in my local hospice shop. Very sweet cat!

    1. I love a good charity shop - as you can tell from my many other posts about them haha! And it's always nice to find threads or buttons or any sewing stuff!

  2. This is super cute! I love charity shops and car boot sale shopping! You never know what you're going to come across :) Looking forward to seeing more of your finds! :)

    Laura x |

    1. I actually worked in a charity shop for two years, the things you get donated are amazing. Too often things are deemed too weird or ugly and they never get out on the shop floor :( I find them all fascinating :)
